Guide to Liverworts of Oregon: Calasterella californica (Hampe) D.G. Long & T.X. Zheng


Asterella 1a sex organs on primary thallus Asterella 2a monoicous; spores >100μm > Asterella californica

Synonym: Asterella californica (Hampe) Underw.

Special status: None.

Recognition: The largest species of Asterella s.l. in Oregon. It is characterized by big, yellow spores greater than 100μm in diameter.

FNA description: Plants pale green to green dorsally with purple ascending margins and dark purple undersides, edges tending to curl upward exposing the dark underside when dry; branching dichotomous, seldom with intercalary branches. Thalli 10--25 x 4--10 mm; epidermis faintly areolate, cells 50 x 30 μm with thin walls, trigones small or lacking, oil cells few, scattered; air pores surrounded by 2--3 tiers of 6--7 cells with slightly thickened radial walls; ventral scales purplish with few oil cells; appendages 1--3, hyaline, triangular‑acuminate. Sexual condition dioicous; separate male plants often intermingled with female plants; androecia dorsal, forming thick, distinct ovate or elongate patches, sometimes with subulate scales around the margins; gynoecia terminal on thalli, stalks slightly purplish, 1--3 cm with pale, long, fine, hairlike scales at apices, none at bases; carpocephala pale green, 4--5 mm across, hemispheric, becoming umbonate with age, distinctly lobed with 3--4(--5) lobes directed horizontally outward; pseudoperianths conical, white with 12 or more segments, connate at apices. Sporophyte capsules yellowish; spores yellow, 100--120 μm; elaters yellowish, 1--2 spiral, 250--300 μm. (Whittemore 2023).

Distribution: On mineral soil of cliff ledges or under rock overhangs; frequent in the oak zone of SW Oregon.

Comments: This is an element of the California Floristic Province.

Separating this species from others in traditional Asterella is based on a molecular study by Long and Zheng (2023). They place the genus in a new subfamily, Celasterelloideae.

Kern River, Kern Co., CA. DHW 3077.

Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., California. DHW photo.

Los Padres National Forest, Santa Barbara Co., CA. DHW m1797.

Left: thallus apex. Right: male pad. Wagontire Rock, Monterey Co., California. DHW m1230a.

Left: Snout Creek, Curry Co. Oregon. DHW 1877. Right: Kern River, Kern Co., CA. DHW 3077.

Distal aspect. Calif., Santa Clara Co., Diablo Range, along Calif Hwy. 152. Doyle 840 (UC).

Proximal aspect. Calif., Santa Clara Co., Diablo Range, along Calif Hwy. 152. Doyle 840 (UC).

Side aspect. Calif., Santa Clara Co., Diablo Range, along Calif Hwy. 152. Doyle 840 (UC).